Friday 2 February 2018

Have you downloaded The Communion yet?

If You have not downloaded this awesome piece yet, please do!

The Communion

Sunday 28 January 2018

The Communion

The Communion


Delani's Notepad: NEW SONG RELEASE: THE COMMUNION: NEW SONG RELEASE: The Communion ​ To the Worshiper, The communion is fuel through the veins streaming Life Eternal. A sacred ritua...


To the Worshiper, The communion is fuel through the veins streaming Life Eternal. A sacred ritual. A prophetic act for transformation into the exact image of Christ.
This song will shapen the way we partake of the communion and draw us closer to the heart of the Father.


Thursday 11 January 2018

Worship Devotional: Seek Direction

They that wait upon the Lord
Will renew their strength.
(Isaiah 40:31)

When the tempest shall rare it's ugly head, woe to the tree that has not sucked up fresh sap and grasped the rock with many inter-twisted roots. Dear worshiper, start the New Year guiding your roots deep. Feed fat for the days ahead, and strengthen your hold on The Anchor - against the winds to come. We do not know what wind type will blow, for Uncertainty rules the day and at night thieves roam while Men sleep. This we know, that our certainty and hope is in He who has called us, and faithful He is. 

The road to the top seems long and frightening. We do not know for sure: what turns to take, the routes to avoid, how to maneuver the dangerous bends so we don't fall off the cliff. Blessed and favoured is He who will seek the face of the Father, and stay in tune with the voice of the Spirit. Such soul finds rest in the promise that: "all things (good and bad) work together for the good of them that love the Lord,  and are called according to His purpose. 

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Breathe On Me on Spotify

Breathe On me Now Available on Spotify.

Monday 3 July 2017

We are all art

Aren't we all
Carefully crafted boxes of art
Intentional brushstrokes
From the palette knife

Oil on canvas
Scumbling strokes of perfection
Elegant images In His likeness
Quadrillions of faces
Some tanned with soulful eyes
others pale and blue

Aren't we all
Pliable molds of dust
Tightly held and spun
Smoothened on the potter's wheel
For Creativity's sake. 

His prolific hands
Thoroughly kneading 
Until our sides are 
Uniform in consistency
To take the potter's form