Monday, 27 March 2017

Worship Devotional - DAY 1: Breath of God

Then God formed man
 Breathed into his nostrils
 - the Breath of Life
Man became a living soul
(Gen 2:7)

"All that made Him God, He breathed in us" (Benson Akhigbe II). The superlative breath of the Father Is the detail of our existence, it carries the essence for every child: of love, of devotion, of desire. He is the object of our warmest love, love founded on the intrinsic excellence of His person. He is our subject of utmost desire, of undistracted devotion in fellowship. His breath fans the flame of inherent, divine longings on the altar of worship (“...We will never turn our back on you; breathe life into our lungs so we can shout your name!” Psalm 80:18). His breath like musical notes, melodies drifting as waves through air, it is the breath of life; not of mere existence but of true living. 

All scripture is breathed out by God (2 Tim 3:16) upon the hearts of sons and daughters. Not just words written on pages – papers, letters, and ink—sewed together with silk thread; But like A. W Tozer defined His word as the expression of the mind of God: the mighty, world-filling breath of God. The revelation of truth freely given to all. I once read that the Greek word for the Holy Spirit is "Ruak" which means to "breathe" so when I hear that the Holy Spirit came upon an individual, I imagine the Father breathe on this individual, then he carries the embodiment of His divine wholeness (the Trinity), the DNA of the supernatural.

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