Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Breathe On Me on Spotify

Breathe On me Now Available on Spotify.


Monday, 3 July 2017

We are all art

Aren't we all
Carefully crafted boxes of art
Intentional brushstrokes
From the palette knife

Oil on canvas
Scumbling strokes of perfection
Elegant images In His likeness
Quadrillions of faces
Some tanned with soulful eyes
others pale and blue

Aren't we all
Pliable molds of dust
Tightly held and spun
Smoothened on the potter's wheel
For Creativity's sake. 

His prolific hands
Thoroughly kneading 
Until our sides are 
Uniform in consistency
To take the potter's form

Wednesday, 7 June 2017


God is Light
and in Him there is no darkness at all…
if we [really] walk in the Light
as He Himself is in the Light,
we have [true, unbroken] fellowship
(1 John 1:5-7)

Without light no radiance flashes from the sapphire, no peaceful ray proceeds from the pearl. To our beloved we are considered priceless gems, the apple of His eyes, that final touch of beauty to creation, light to finely made chandeliers, and the rising sun following dark nights. Read His mind, seek His intents, inquire of Him in prayer and hear the Spirit say it to you, “You are my Light” “You were made to shine! Made to light up dark circles”. But like gems, we have not been programmed to glow independently.  

“But like gems, we have not been programmed to glow independently”

We were however programmed to rise all morning in the light of the Sun of Righteousness. His light will come peeping through the windows of our heart, when we open; He will light up even the darkest caverns to displace rue with salvation. Light is the emblem of joy which causes hope to rise in the heart. So, we live as beams proceeding from the central orb, if He withdraws we die, if His countenance is shaded, our glory slowly fades


Friday, 21 April 2017

#SoundCloud: Listen to "Breathe On Me" on Sound Cloud

Hello Friends, listen to "Breathe On Me' on Sound Cloud.

Kindly Follow, Like and Share with others.

Monday, 3 April 2017

DAY 3: Still waters run deep

He leads me beside still waters
He restores my soul
(Ps. 23:3)

“Come, lay down with me on an open field” said the Lord. A filial moment. A call to solitary devotion. A moment of intimacy we will share, an undoing, a reset, back to conception – when Love’s breath brought life. To restore, to replenish. So he says to lie down – a position of humility, worship, dependence and total yieldedness. In green pastures, the good shepherd of our soul will makes us lie, that the sheep may feed fat. This depicts the bread of life, His word - the engrafted word, which is able to save our souls. Then to still waters of His Spirit He leads us. I once heard the poet say “Still waters run deep” this is pure depth. The deepest streams have the smoothest surface. Shallow waters run fast and make a lot of noise; but still, quiet waters run deep.

Perhaps recently life has offered so much busyness, swamped with these and those - worries of the night, uncertainties here and there. We cannot stay long without a major collapse. The good shepherd of our soul beckons to “come way” lay down in green pasture, and to still waters He will lead. All who will heed this call, He says:

I am replenishing life, I am resetting your system, I will lead you to still waters, I am restoring your soul

DAY 2: Creativity

But there is a spirit within people,
it is the breath of the Almighty within them,
that makes them intelligent
(Job 32:8 NLT)

In the treasure chest of Heaven are gems of inestimable value. Ideas and craft brimming with life, yearning for expression through the hands of those He formed. Science reckons that the intelligent Man - Homo Sapiens was crafted with the ability to think and create just like the Ultimate Creator of all things. Job said: "the Spirit of man, the breath of God gives Him understanding". Inspiration for startling innovations, brilliant inventions, ideas, visions and craft that beats the mind of peers.

Yet, while we stand poised by knowledge of this, let us not rest contented with ideas and talent, but to our ideas let us draw out a plan, and to our talent let us acquire more skill. I once heard Jeremy Riddle say: "Being inspired is not a luxury, it is a responsibility. A challenging truth – how do we expect to be an inspiration to others when we are not dutifully staying inspired? We carry the breath of the father, so we owe the world the best in creativity, ideas and visions.

Dear worshiper, consider creation and see the supernatural power in the breath of the Almighty. From a handful of soil the breath of God formed man. He takes our worthless ideas and dreams, breathes on them and they become valuable. He imparts our exhaustion with vitality, gives beauty for ashes and our weaknesses He replaces with strength from above. Even dying businesses will sprout again with fruits of increase, despair will be replaced with hope and songs of deliverance. This is not a one-time thing. He stands ready to breathe on us as oft as we need Him to.

Breathe On Me

Breathe On Me

Monday, 27 March 2017

Worship Devotional - DAY 1: Breath of God

Then God formed man
 Breathed into his nostrils
 - the Breath of Life
Man became a living soul
(Gen 2:7)

"All that made Him God, He breathed in us" (Benson Akhigbe II). The superlative breath of the Father Is the detail of our existence, it carries the essence for every child: of love, of devotion, of desire. He is the object of our warmest love, love founded on the intrinsic excellence of His person. He is our subject of utmost desire, of undistracted devotion in fellowship. His breath fans the flame of inherent, divine longings on the altar of worship (“...We will never turn our back on you; breathe life into our lungs so we can shout your name!” Psalm 80:18). His breath like musical notes, melodies drifting as waves through air, it is the breath of life; not of mere existence but of true living. 

All scripture is breathed out by God (2 Tim 3:16) upon the hearts of sons and daughters. Not just words written on pages – papers, letters, and ink—sewed together with silk thread; But like A. W Tozer defined His word as the expression of the mind of God: the mighty, world-filling breath of God. The revelation of truth freely given to all. I once read that the Greek word for the Holy Spirit is "Ruak" which means to "breathe" so when I hear that the Holy Spirit came upon an individual, I imagine the Father breathe on this individual, then he carries the embodiment of His divine wholeness (the Trinity), the DNA of the supernatural.

Download New Music: Breathe On Me

At exactly 4 a.m that morning, I woke up with a strong desire for something new, something fresh - a new experience, a different encounter . It started off as a prayer then it became a song, it became my Morning Song.

Download Breathe On Me Here

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Delani's Notepad: New Song Release - Breathe On Me

Delani's Notepad: New Song Release - Breathe On Me: I am so excited to announce the release of a new worship/Prayer song. Breathe On Me was written sometime last year and recorded almo...

New Song Release - Breathe On Me

I am so excited to announce the release of a new worship/Prayer song. Breathe On Me was written sometime last year and recorded almost immediately. I like to caption it "The Morning Song" It carries a very spiritual sound sure to lift your spirit and draw you closer in fellowship with The Father.

Anticipate it's release this Friday on all digital stores worldwide.

A link to get the song on my website www.delaniofficial.com will also be available this Friday. Subscribe and be the first to get it.

Kindly follow me on:
Facebook - Delanii
Instagram - @_delani
Twitter - @_delanii

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Soul Food (Daily Bread II)

When your words came, I ate them;
    they were my joy and my heart’s delight,
for I bear your name,
    Lord God Almighty.
(Jer. 15:16)

By every word that comes out of the mouth of the father, our minds are renewed. By every word that comes out of the mouth of the father, our souls are restored. By every word that comes out of the mouth of the father, our lives replenished. His words are Spirit and Life, the soul of man must feed to thrive. From His throne a river, the nations must drink, and of its leaves taste. 

Go to the maker of the brand to proffer solution for the ailing machine, or study the manual and it fulfills it's course easily. The words of Abba do more than this.  They are to the soul, food; and to the Spirit, fuel. 

Daily Bread I

Give us this day our daily bread.
         (Matthew 6:11)

Sufficient for my soul is the providence of it's maker. He daily loads us with benefits and to everyone, a daily portion. But with this stands the entailed premise, ask. A seemingly inconsequential request which embodies the power of the supernatural, and also shows an unfeigned expression of dependence on Abba. He by Himself said to ask,  why then do we depend on sweat for supply or feel downtrodden when we have not asked. 

From His table the nations are daily fed; hungry and thirsty, they bring large appetites with them to the banquet, but not one of them returns unsatisfied; there is enough for each, enough for all, enough forevermore. Although the company that eats at His table is as countless as the stars of heaven, yet each one has his own portion.