Thursday, 21 July 2016

Rising of the sun (Sovereign Over all)

With or without a song, we are to worship the one true sovereign God. 'Delani debuts his first official worship song from the 'Come Away' album. 'Rising of the sun (sovereign over all)' is a worship song written sometime in 2014. It was first sung at the Avalanche 2.0 - a worship intercession program in April, 2015.
This song bares a deep message of the Lordship and Sovereignty of our King. "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness there of; the world, and they that dwell therein". It is not just another tune, but one that has been brought alive to acknowledge His place and bring worshipers closer to Him in the knowledge of His dominion. This song has the right tune, the cleanest of sound and is equally anointed.
Rising of the sun (Sovereign over all) is now available on iTunes, Amazon music, Spotify, Apple music and other stores. (Find download link below). It is also streaming on all online gospel radio stations nationwide. A preview copy is on

Let your ears feel His presence in your heart as you listen and worship.

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