Thursday, 21 July 2016

Worship Devotional: Sovereign God

Psalm 19
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands…They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

The king’s domain transcends here, to infinite space. His terrain is boundless. Ever wondered who governs time, space and place, the Sovereign Lord He is. We are most conscious about earth because we live here but what about Mars, Neptune Jupiter and the others. That which was made by divine fiat is subject to his authority. So when we praise we join witnesses from here and beyond, the elliptical bodies round the stars ceaselessly revolve by His power.  God of wonders beyond our galaxy, the heavens declare; they proclaim His glory, and the skies display His craftsmanship. The voice of the Lord is over the waters, His voice of command echoes beyond the clouds. The earth sees and trembles, the mountains melt like wax before the Lord. Legions wait at His door, even principalities and powers are all attentive to His will. All you elements of the sky, you alone know; by whose voice you will be summoned...

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Rising of the sun (Sovereign Over all)

With or without a song, we are to worship the one true sovereign God. 'Delani debuts his first official worship song from the 'Come Away' album. 'Rising of the sun (sovereign over all)' is a worship song written sometime in 2014. It was first sung at the Avalanche 2.0 - a worship intercession program in April, 2015.
This song bares a deep message of the Lordship and Sovereignty of our King. "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness there of; the world, and they that dwell therein". It is not just another tune, but one that has been brought alive to acknowledge His place and bring worshipers closer to Him in the knowledge of His dominion. This song has the right tune, the cleanest of sound and is equally anointed.
Rising of the sun (Sovereign over all) is now available on iTunes, Amazon music, Spotify, Apple music and other stores. (Find download link below). It is also streaming on all online gospel radio stations nationwide. A preview copy is on

Let your ears feel His presence in your heart as you listen and worship.

New Website:

Dear friends,

Please visit my website at i like to call it the worshiper's hub. It's a place where worshipers can stop by to fuel their hearts for worship. Hope to connect with you there.

Please note that this blog has not been closed. We will continue to share posts here.
