Thursday, 29 September 2016

WORSHIP DEVOTIONAL: My quiet, secluded place

“Here’s what I want you to do:
Find a quiet, secluded place
so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God.
Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage.
The focus will shift from you to God,
and you will begin to sense his grace.

Matt. 6:6 (MSG)

"Teach us how to pray" stems from a place of emptiness, brokenness, and total reliance. Well may the naivety of my heart bring me to such place of closure, ready for Abba to breathe on. A place where my eyes seeks to behold the heart of the father, crying thy kingdom come, thy will be done. Where i have no indolence for routine, but of the sweetness which I have tasted; I always come back here for more, here at my quiet, secluded place.

Monday, 12 September 2016


“For there is hope for a tree,
If it is cut down,
that it will sprout again...Yet at the scent of water it will bud
And bring forth branches like a plant.
(Job 14: 7-9)

The Voice of Hope, Still as it may echoes louder, reaches even farther than the roars of despair.  It rises from the ashes of deathlike grayness, dust from decayed flesh to the breaking of a new dawn. There are silver linings in the dark minds of the weary one. And somewhere in the heart of the brave, is a glint of hope, embodied with promises of a new era. The preacher once said this too shall pass, so do not loose sight of the promise by which hope is strengthened. The voice of hope begins in the heart of optimistic nationales, they who call here home. It resides in them. When they rise to speak, only that which is good is uttered. Their sound, with power to shut out words from defeatists.

Thousands have died where pearls lie deep. There is blood on the land, that speak in the sad laments of widows and orphans. The salt of the sea in the eyes of mothers drip like rain over our land. But when the Spirit blows...

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Friday, 26 August 2016

Worship Devotional: Beautifully Different

You shaped me first inside, then out. You formed me in my mother’s womb...
    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
    I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out...You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
    how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Psalm 139:13-17 (MSG)

Recently, I developed this sudden curiosity for personality psychology. Figured there is indeed strength and beauty in diversity and this is most certainly Plausible.
From the simple to the complex, to the complicated and the blocked puzzled, every ounce of different, reveals the uniqueness of this brand. There is beauty in the 'weird one' whose artsy mind teems with mysterious imaginations, even more beauty there is in the nerd whose techie mind teems with innovation. You who feel like you are complicated, sometimes you try to explain so everyone understands. Other times, you raise walls to hide trueness, to protect it's delicacy. These walls are not freeing, they are built with bars that cage the mind. False freedom appearing real. You move freely but within the confines of the immediate space. The mind that believes in them will live freely in the prison of lies. Instead, see every tangle as that 'mistake' in some painting that gives it the final touch of impeccable.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Father's Love

Have you ever been in love?
or at least thought that you were in love
remember how many times you'd reach for your phone
carry it everywhere with you
hope the next alert tone would be a message
from that one special person
the colorful mixture of blissful emotions you felt
when your hope was not in vain

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Worship Devotional: Sovereign God

Psalm 19
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands…They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

The king’s domain transcends here, to infinite space. His terrain is boundless. Ever wondered who governs time, space and place, the Sovereign Lord He is. We are most conscious about earth because we live here but what about Mars, Neptune Jupiter and the others. That which was made by divine fiat is subject to his authority. So when we praise we join witnesses from here and beyond, the elliptical bodies round the stars ceaselessly revolve by His power.  God of wonders beyond our galaxy, the heavens declare; they proclaim His glory, and the skies display His craftsmanship. The voice of the Lord is over the waters, His voice of command echoes beyond the clouds. The earth sees and trembles, the mountains melt like wax before the Lord. Legions wait at His door, even principalities and powers are all attentive to His will. All you elements of the sky, you alone know; by whose voice you will be summoned...

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Rising of the sun (Sovereign Over all)

With or without a song, we are to worship the one true sovereign God. 'Delani debuts his first official worship song from the 'Come Away' album. 'Rising of the sun (sovereign over all)' is a worship song written sometime in 2014. It was first sung at the Avalanche 2.0 - a worship intercession program in April, 2015.
This song bares a deep message of the Lordship and Sovereignty of our King. "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness there of; the world, and they that dwell therein". It is not just another tune, but one that has been brought alive to acknowledge His place and bring worshipers closer to Him in the knowledge of His dominion. This song has the right tune, the cleanest of sound and is equally anointed.
Rising of the sun (Sovereign over all) is now available on iTunes, Amazon music, Spotify, Apple music and other stores. (Find download link below). It is also streaming on all online gospel radio stations nationwide. A preview copy is on

Let your ears feel His presence in your heart as you listen and worship.

New Website:

Dear friends,

Please visit my website at i like to call it the worshiper's hub. It's a place where worshipers can stop by to fuel their hearts for worship. Hope to connect with you there.

Please note that this blog has not been closed. We will continue to share posts here.


Sunday, 17 January 2016

Eagle and Dove Portraits

Sometimes the little bird flies low, lured in by the appearance of gentleness, and lowers her wings.  Her vulnerability is meant to be a gift, but quickly she realizes her mistake and she must turn from dove to eagle and fly up higher, higher, where the air is pure and she can breathe in and out like she needs…How she craves the oxygen of the mountain of God!  Higher still, higher still until she comes to a crevice in the rock where she takes her rest, and smoothes her feathers.  She notices a few are missing after that last squirmish, “but they will grow back,” she assures herself.
There in her hidden refuge she begins to sing and the mountains reverberate with the sound.  One sound calls to another sound.  It is caught upon the wind and transformed into a masterpiece and the ‘lonely place’ becomes a place of symphonies and choirs.  The eagle rests while the dove sings and becomes renewed in the atmosphere of His love.
Dove drinks and is revived by water from the rock.  She stays in this place for hours, knowing that, in a little while, she must return for a time to the lower levels of trial and burden.  Wiser now, and newly reminded of what she already knew, she gathers the strength she will need to to stay behind her eagle armor and above the vultures, not below them.  Her wings must hide her face and not expose it; vulnerability must never foolishness become.
Her eagle cry is heard as she flies down through the altitudes and positions herself upon a branch.  There she firmly plants her feet, one last reprieve until her script requires her to walk once more in robes of patience and longsuffering; in common halls amid the tethered trees.  That is…until the branch of forced compliance is broken and “at last, at last” she freely flies away – in light of promised day.
Gabriel blows his trumpet.  Do you hear it little eagle?  Eagle cries out such strong, powerful sound.  Yes, eagle hears it.  For that trumpet is also in eagle’s mouth.  And that is why she cannot keep quiet.  She must cry out what she was born to SHOUT!  But perhaps her forced compliance is only for a day, and serves as a tool of training “For He was led like a Lamb to the slaughter and did not open His mouth.”  “But one day,” says the Eagle, I will be free to cry out with all the sounds that are pent up inside of me, waiting like a flood, like a river of many colors to be released and streak the sky with colored banners amidst praises of the Holy One.”
“One day I will sing, not in lonely places in hidden hideaways, but before all the ones who tried to silence me.  Yes, I will sing with His trumpet of judgment in my mouth, and I will proclaim, “Fallen!  Fallen is babylon the great!”  Ha!
Breath of God, breathe on me.  For I am Your reclining tree, and You hear me, Yes, You hear me, and You deliver when I call.  Amen.