Wednesday, 24 December 2014


Tonight, there is a star out there
An evening star at night to glare
Under the open clouds of the dark, come without fear
Come out from your hiding, you who would dare
Into the slushy snow, come!
A sign is here, finally!
A sign that love has come.

Tonight, there is a walk to walk
A long stroll in the cool of the day
Shimmering star shining eastward
Lead the way to where He lay
Saddle the donkeys, You! Ready your camels
This star we will follow come what may
A walk to love all the way

Tonight, there is a song to sing
The sweetest carol on mortal lips
Clear your airways, tune your strings
With all joy utter the yuletide hymns
Drum rolls on pronounced accents with cymbals crashing
And choirs of angels as we walk along streets
To love, our songs sing.

Tonight, there is a gift to bring
Wrapped in the finest of apparels
Offerings of priced jewels adorned with glinting gems
Humbly come, humble bow
Always to adore solely vow
Crown Him! Crown Him!! With many crowns, crown Him!!!
The king we meet here where the star rests
Tonight, Oh! Night divine